Wednesday, February 14, 2007

6 am.

Morning guys,

This morning my two comforts are, the fact that I may not have work ~thank you snow storm~ and a cup of green tea. How ever the dim light being spewed from my monitor has managed to illuminate my path.
Now that I've gotten that brief moment of poetics out of the way, I present my progress so far, sadly I came in from work last night, crashed, and burned. I meant to take a nap for an hour, but didn't wake up until this morning, so I got started then.
"You are camping." With good reason mate, heres Irish hall 100, the maps a little out of scale, it scared me silly at first but I got used to it.
Inside room 100, building this thing, epically in the already complex view ports was a bit of a challenge, but it turned out all right, I had to master actor transformation, and also copying and pasting existing build lines, then editing my brush to match it, makes copying rooms and details allot easier, vs rebuilding/reediting your brush each time. I'll keep at it, and build the other room, and the corridor heading out the other end of Gasson, Ive got a maths lesson on Thursday which gives me another day to take more reference images.

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