K.Rowe here with an update on the major posts I've got planned in the coming week. I'd like to thank Eyebeams, Blu and Sandry for taking the time to sit down and have some interviews with me. As part of my Second Life! The In's and outs series. ~No...I just made that up but it does sound cool.~ The interviews do help to give people unbiased info and opinions on whats going on in and around second life.
My first interview was with Eyebeams, a member of the Educational Uk team. Here's a breif preview.
Please note that this is just the sample and I hope to edit the conversation so that it is a bit more visually pleasing. My next interview was with two up and coming business owners in SL. Sandry in purple and Blu in red. They provided a really down to earth look at SL and taught me a valuable lesson. Never judge a book by its cover; these high fashion ladies know how to relax and have a good conversation. Here is a snip it of the unedited convo.
[16:31] You: So I'm assuming you've both spent alot of time in SL. To you, what is there to love, what is there to dislike and what would you like to see change in sl? Heck...if you could; what would you change yourself?
[16:32] Blu Sparkle: well...
[16:32] Blu Sparkle: :)
[16:32] Blu Sparkle: there are many facets of this world as there are in RL
[16:33] Blu Sparkle: I choose to "play" SL very close to how I live my RL
[16:33] Blu Sparkle: I don't participate in the seedy side
[16:33] Blu Sparkle: if I could change RL, I would change that
[16:33] Blu Sparkle: the "greedy", "anything for a buck" kind of attitude
[16:33] Blu Sparkle: but
[16:34] Blu Sparkle: I do find a genuine tolerance for all types of people here that is not necessarily present in RL
[16:34] Blu Sparkle: we seem to be more quick to judge in RL
[16:34] Blu Sparkle: here, it is more of a "play it how you want to" sort of atmosphere
[16:35] You: Very interesting. You do make a good point; and again have expressed a very unique point of view.
[16:35] You: What about you Sandry?
[16:36] Sandry Logan: i love the whole deal.... there is so much scope for creation and i see it as a place of opportunity
[16:36] Sandry Logan: for once i am in the middle of something as it happens... rather than a couple of years behind it
As you can see they both had very unique point of views. Trust me when I saw you wont want to miss either of the interviews. Hopefully in the weeks to come I can spend some one on one time with other members of SL.
Thats it for this halftime show. Please come back in a few days to read those interviews and more of my exploits in the world of SL. Until then I leave you with these images.
SL...wish you were here!
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